Hello there, folks, I will be absent for a couple of weeks as I am attending ASC, a conference in Dublin for writers that focuses on sustainability. This is the inaugural year for the conference, and I am thrilled to be a part of it.
How I Use Deliberate Practice | Deliberate Practice 6/6
For the last two weeks, I have been talking your ear off about deliberate practice. That’s how important it is. Today, I wanted to do something a little bit different. I wanted to take all of these concepts that we have been talking about, and I wanted to give them to you in a concise and practical way. So hopefully, you can apply deliberate practice to your writing as well.
Tune Your Difficulty | Deliberate Practice 5/6
There’s one part of deliberate practice that can be hard to understand, and it’s the last piece. We’ve already talked about the first three parts of deliberate practice: how you need a clear goal, how you need absolute focus, and how you also need immediate feedback. The last piece of deliberate practice is desired difficulty.
The Best Sort Of Feedback | Deliberate Practice 4/6
This past week, we’ve been discussing a concept known as deliberate practice. It’s such a significant topic that we’re going to continue discussing it this week. It’s challenging to overstate just how crucial it is, regardless of your creative career, to deliberately practice your craft. In my case, it’s writing.
Your Hidden Superpower: Focus! | Deliberate Practice
Did you know that every single human is endowed with a superpower? You might find it hard to believe, but it’s true. You have the power of focus. A power unique to humans, at least in the way we can apply it. And if applied correctly, this power can absolutely transform your life.
Goals: The Cornerstone Of Progress | Deliberate Practice
This week, we’re talking about deliberate practice. Deliberate practice is the process of practicing something repetitively for the sake of improvement rather than enjoyment.
27 Books In 5 Years – Here’s How I Did It | Deliberate Practice
Have you ever heard of the term ‘deliberate practice’? If you haven’t, don’t worry about it, I’m going to tell you everything you need to know. More importantly, I want to share with you today how this concept absolutely transformed my writing and, as a result, my life.
Guarding Your Most Precious Resource | The Power of NO
For the final topic this week, I want to discuss the protection of our most valuable resource. There are few things in this world that are truly finite, with time being the most significant among them.
Don’t Chase Shiny Objects | The Power of NO
Life is full of distractions. There are always things vying for your attention, and this only gets more true the further you go. The more successful you are, the more opportunities you’ll have.
Small No, Big Yes | The Power Of NO
2024 is here to stay, bringing with it opportunities. Some are good, some are bad, and some are in between. The question is, which opportunities should you say yes to and which should you let pass you by?
Polishing Your Pacing | How To Improve Your Writing 3/3
For our final video this week, we will be discussing pacing. If you aspire to enhance your writing, then pacing is a crucial aspect to consider. It is an incredibly significant part of writing, yet many writers neglect to invest time in learning how to pace a story, causing their books to suffer.
Dissecting Your Dialogue | How To Improve Your Writing 2/3
If there’s one thing that distinguishes excellent books from merely good ones, it’s the dialogue.