Today’s update revolves around my schedule and some of the events I have coming up. Ever since I fell ill, I’ve found it incredibly hard to stream, so I haven’t been doing much of that. Just as I’m getting better, I’m going to be leaving. I’m actually traveling up to Boston for the Subscription Summit, which I’m really excited about. I’ll be presenting there, and then I’ll be spending a few days in Boston with my family, which should be fun. If you’re going to be at the Subscription Summit, I’d love to meet you.
After that, we’re taking a week to spend some time together as a family and I’m really excited to get some time to relax away from the rush of regular life. Then we’ll be back, and I’ll be working hard, trying to get as many books done as possible before I go to Origins Game Fair in June. It’s a cool, game-oriented convention, and I’ll be going there with Zero Strategy Games, a game company that I co-founded.
We’ll be presenting not only games that we’ve already released, like the Battlemage Farmer module for D&D, but also a brand new game called Shuffle Dungeons that we’re excited to bring to everyone later this year. I think it’ll be released in July, but we’ll be demoing it at Origins. So if you’re in that area, or if you’re planning on attending Origins, you should definitely come by and say hi. I’d love to meet you.
Then, I’m going to another conference in the middle of July called Realm Makers, and I’ll be there for a couple of days. But the big one is actually in August. At the end of August, beginning of September, I’ll be going to DragonCon. Last year was my first year at DragonCon, and it was an unbelievably fun time. It was packed, it was busy, but it was really fun. I enjoyed the opportunity to meet fans, make new friends, and engage with people who really love LitRPG. I was stunned at how many people enjoy LitRPG, and how many people were there specifically looking for books. It was encouraging to see so many people stopping by the Aethon booth. I was there with Aethon Books, one of my publishers, and I’m excited to go back.
This year, I will be an attending professional at DragonCon, which means I’m going to be on some of the panels, and I’ll be available for meet and greets. So if you’re planning on attending DragonCon, then definitely come and say hi. I’m always excited to meet people.
Most of these are East Coast events, but I am going to be going to an event in Las Vegas towards the end of the year in November. I believe the dates for that convention are the 11th through the 15th. It’s an author-specific convention called AuthorNation. It’s a takeover from the 20Booksto50K event. Of every convention and event that I’ve attended, 20Booksto50K, and now I’m sure AuthorNation, have had the biggest impact on my career. The people I’ve met there and the training that I received early in my career really helped set me up for success. So if you are an author who watches this channel, I cannot recommend it enough.
I know it can be hard to swing sometimes because it’s fairly long – a whole week – but believe me when I say it will be worth it. I’m applying to speak at AuthorNation because I think it’s important to give back. When you’ve benefited from a community, it’s vital to give back to that community. Even if they can’t fit me into the schedule or I’m not a good fit for what they’re looking for this year, I’ll be there. I’m super happy to have conversations, to talk shop, and share my experience.
So, if you’re going to be at AuthorNation or if you weren’t going to be but now you’re considering it, definitely flag me down and say hi. If you’re not an author but you’re a reader and you’re in that area or close by, the last day of the convention, Friday, they actually have a reader-centric event called RAVE. All of the authors set up in the convention center in the Horseshoe, which was formerly Bally’s. People can come in and buy books, talk to the authors, and do meet and greets. I am pretty sure that I’m going to be setting up this year. I haven’t in the past few years, but I’m pretty sure that I’m going to be setting up this year. So definitely come and check that out.
Also, finally, last but certainly not least, I’m going to be going to PAX Unplugged, which is actually local to me. I’m in the greater Philly area and PAX Unplugged is in Philly, Pennsylvania. We’re going to be there again demoing games and selling games as well because we’ll have multiple games with Zero Strategy Games that are already finished, released, and ready to go.
That’s just a snapshot of my schedule for this next year. Oh, I forgot an event. In September, if you’re in the Lancaster area, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, where I live, I’m actually doing a local book fair here in Lancaster. I’m really excited for it. It’s called Books, Books, Books, and it’s just a whole bunch of local authors who are getting together to sell their books and to chat. I’m really excited for that. That’s in September.
I’m going to try to put a schedule together of all these events that I’m doing, and I’m sure there will be more as the year goes on. I do know that I’m hoping to put together some really fun live events for fans to talk about some new releases that are coming up, and I’d love to be able to do that. I’m not 100% sure if they’re going to be live-streamed or they’ll actually have a live in-person component and then also be live-streamed. I’m not sure of the exact details yet, but more information will come on that soon.
One of the things that I love about being an author is meeting people who share similar loves to me. I love fiction, fantasy, sci-fi, building, and exploring worlds. It’s so fun to meet other people who share those similar passions. So, I would love to meet you. If you can make it to any of these events that I’m going to be going to, you definitely should. You should definitely stop and say hi and introduce yourself. I would love to meet you.

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